Kerli Argentina quiere ser O F I C I A L ! !

MoonChildren!! Este es un llamado a la primer misiòn masiva para todos los MoonChildren argentinos y residentes en Argentina! Queremos hacer el club oficial! Sì, OFICIAL!! Para esto necesitamos todo su apoyo. En breve estaremos subiendo una direcciòn de mail para que nos envìen sus datos (nombre, apellido, e-mail y dni) y asì poder agregarlos de manera permanente a nuestro Army of Love en Argentina. Con estos datos nos estamos poniendo en contacto con Island Records y Kerli Management para hacer de esta pequenia familia una familia oficial y ùnica en Argentina. Por favor, estèn atentos, tanto Kerli Music Argentina como MoonChildren Argentina estarà actualizando esta informaciòn y siendo ambas el mismo club, pueden consultar y enterarse de màs a travès de las mismas. Estamos creando un ejèrcito de amor en Argentina, y en todo el mundo! • ♥ • ;)
[EDIT]  MoonChildren de Argentina! Ya pueden enviar sus datos a:

•E-Mail: kerlimusicargentina@hotmail.co​m
•Perfil de Facebook: Kerli Argentina (Moonchildren Argentina)

Tambièn, nos pueden dejar sus consultas, preguntas, dudas e ideas tanto a Paulie (Pauleta Victoria) como a Niero (Moonchild Niero) en nuestros respectivos facebooks ;)

Kerli Pròximos Eventos - Kerli.Net

Borderline Music
Acoustic set and
Meet & Greet
Borderline Music
3333 N Broadway St
Chicago, IL
4 August
18.00 – 21.00

  Roscoe’s   Roscoe’s
3356 North Halsted Street
Chicago, IL
  5 August
23.00 – 02.00
  Lollapalooza 2011 Grant Park, Chicago,
5 August


Kanrocksas Music
Kansas Speedway,
Kansas City
8 August
12.00 –15.00



  SoCal Youth Takeover
Festival 2011
  LA Center Studios,
1037 W Sixth Street
Los Angeles,
CA 90017
  13 August
13.00 –20.00

  Vabaduse Laul   Tallinna Lauluväljak   20 August
21.30 – 22.00

  Freedom Festival
Free to Be
  Los Angeles State
Historic Park
  3 September   Ticket


Acceso MTV Brasil - Conoce a Kerli

Kerli para MTV Brasil: Conheça a Kerli

Vintage me. lol.

Kerli dice: "Someone posted this song on facebook. It’s me, 14 years old. The song is so depressing..it’s about how we all become cherry trees. It’s a really beautiful melody but it’s kinda on the heavier side lyrically.
It’s about death.
I was soo goth.
When I was little and learned piano, every time I would have to pick a new song to play, it was a really complicated process. My teacher would just have to go through tens and tens of pieces until I found the one I liked. She says I was always asking for a “sad song”. Lol."

Canciòn: Kõik Saame Murelipuudeks

Letra original escrita por Eino Tamberg:

Kõik saame murelipuudeks sooja sinise laatuse all.
Murelikroon saab me huultest, sõrmed murelijuurteks all.
Pungad hõõguvad õiteks meie murelipuul, murelipuul,
nende heledas õites,vaeve, väsimust võites.
Heledalt naerab me tuttav tuul.
Muld vajub naerus suule, soojaks suulduseks liigini.
Muld tuleb põskede juurde, maaks me uuesti sünnime nii.
Imesid sünnib, jälle tuul hellalt ja soojalt silitab meid,
unustust meile sülle, rõõmu lastele sülle,
suhust suuri ja mahalseid mureleid.
Kõik saame murelipuudeks. Ükskõik kus me teed ka ei käi.
Ja meie naerustest suudest maa saab õitsevaid mureleid täis.
Maa saab õitsevaid lilli ju täis.

• ♥ •

Kerli Creative


 Descargar Killerwave

Have you ever been left alone
You're so far away from home
And no one really believes you'll cope
Hear me

All the streets and flashing lights
The big city gets mad tonight
I don't know if it's wrong or right
Hear me

Realize it
Ain't gonna change me
Ain't gonna hurt me
I will not break, no

Too much time
That I've spent to get this
And deal with that shit
I will not break, no

Going out today, and nothing feels the same
I'm like a killer wave, I'm not gonna behave
I'm going out today, and no one's gonna say
I'll live my life afraid, so let me hear the bass

Have you ever believed a lie
That kinda shakes you up inside
This town'll eat you up alive
Believe me

But I don't bend and I don't break
I'll never make the same mistake
I got the world to overtake
Hear me

Realize it
Ain't gonna change you
Ain't gonna hurt you
You will not break, no

Going out today, and nothing feels the same
I'm like a killer wave, I'm not gonna behave
I'm going out today, and no one's gonna say
I'll live my life afraid, so can't you hear me

Going out today, and nothing feels the same
I'm like a killer wave, I'm not gonna behave
I'm going out today, and no one's gonna say
I'll live my life afraid, so let me hear the bass

Queremos Escuchar "Army of Love" en la Radio!

Gracias Zizhar Victorian Chemikal por este genial wallpaper!

• ♥ •